Yesss, Sure you can become successful in Network marketing, for this it is very important to select the right Direct Selling company to start with. There are certain parameters on which one can choose how to select a good Direct Selling entity.
Profile:- one must see how experienced the management is? Looking for Indian or foreign management is an Individual’s choice. As this industry is very young in India (hardly 23 years old) you may chose a company having atleast 5+years experience.
Products/services:- certain points needs to be looked in to while analysing about the range of products or services being sold by the company. These can be Quality, Suitability, applicability to masses, worth buying, as per the future marketing behaviour, repurchaseable products which may keep increasing your turnover.
Promoters/Leaders:- this one is very important, who all are the associated in Scientist Panel for R&D of the products. Look up for the leadership in that company, their seriousness towards their profession, their philosophy, get to know about their past profession. You have the liberty to assess their achievements by taking time and visiting them again and again in Programs/seminar. Have personal meetings, verify the facts about their income, achievements.
Plan/Payout:- How simple is the Plan? It should be legible means can be understood even by an illiterate. As this industry has no such discrimination to any one, even an illiterate can start up with you (there are so many living legends now who were illiterate but now millionaire at this platform) so plan must be simple and clear. For payout I must say this is making the difference. It must be handsome but only be disbursed after sales not on joining of the people with you.
“A company disbursing you incentives on making people join with you or on recruiting people sorry, will not run far. It will collapse someday for sure, along with your dreams too”. Incentives should purely be based on ‘Sales' like any other Traditional Business models. Yes, surely We need to understand whether we are going to get the incentives weekly/monthly basis or not. It must not be yearly basis. Here one more point to note, some companies pay lesser incentive and give discounts on products on further purchases, which may lead you purchasing their products you actually don't require, so beware. Focus on genuine Payouts not on heavy Discounts.
Professional Support:- last but not the least comes the education system for the learning of this Biz. A very few companies have their own education system in place. It is very important to understand how a company is grooming it's distributors.
Though for starting up of Network Marketing NO SKILLS are required but for getting success you need to develop so many skills. All the skill, you can develop while learning the Biz and practically implementing the same in the field while discussing it with people in your society.
The major reason of getting fail in wonderful Biz is that people aren't keen enough to learn it's basics, gaining knowledge and developing Skills and it is very much common like any other field where people focus on earning than learning.
However you should look for certain qualities in the People you are recruiting in your Biz, these are listed below.
- Laborious
- Teachable
- Team player
- Humble
- Egoless (down to earth)
- Communicative
Skills you need to develop are like,
- Public speaking.
- Presentation quality.
- Team management.
- Leadership Qualities.
- Situation handling ablility.
- Managing people's money.
- Organising events.
- Time management.
- HR management.
- Training ability.
Plz note, this is a Biz not a scheme it will take time to build and give fruits also there is no single good thing which can make you success and no single bad thing which can make you unsuccessful in this Biz. This is a conclusive effort and outcome of the Team Work. The negatives of yours can be full filled with the ability of some of your responsible Team mate.
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